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Trulyamazing vocal clarity and musical sound from this high end speaker. Expensivewhen purchased new at nearly 1000. The aircraft grade aluminium ensures itdoes not sound boxy. The speaker shows some sign of usage but all minor youwould need to look very close to see them. Please note you will need an AVreceiver to power the speakers.Wallbrackets are attached as seen in the images, they are a pain to fix on and Ihave struggled in attempts to remove them. There are five pair of cableslabelled for use with your own set of cables.Seereviews at https://www.soundandvision.com/content/definitive-technology-mythos-ssa-50-speaker-systemThey said But it turns out that the Mythos SSA-50 is exceptional atreproducing music as well as movie soundtracks https://hometheaterreview.com/definitive-technology-mythos-ssa-50-sound-bar/ they said: We really love the DefinitiveTechnology SSA-50 forits warm, rich and lush sound and its ability to fill a room with great,three-dimensional audio.
Iprefer collection with a full demo, otherwise they will be well packaged forposting which is expensive due to its weight an unusual length.These were really very high-end soundbars the best of the best. Dimensions:46-3/16″W x 5-9/16″H x 4-1/8″D 17Kg
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Category: Sound and Vision:Home Audio and HiFi Separates:Speakers and Subwoofers
Location: Lewisham, London