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Technics SU-9070 Stereo DCPreamplifierThis is part of the legendary and sought after Technicsprofessional HiFi range that everyone aspired to, but none of my friends or Icould afford, they were that expensive !Over the days I will list every part of the system. Many will know Im a professional audioengineer (look me up on AES) and these units are performing to their topspecification. All switches and potshave been individually cleaned unlike many on eBay. All pilot lights work and meters and dials that are supposed tolight up do so, perfectly.They give modern high end equipment a run for their moneyand in some ways even better it. Thesewere a statement product designed as cost-no-object, you could get away withthat in those days. But there werentjust expensive, they were expertly engineered and their performance is stillstat-of-the art today.My price reflects that fact that they work properly and tospecification. You may buy cheaper butyou will probably find there is an issue somewhere that may or many not befixable. I am open to offers via eBayfor more than one unit, but dont expect big price drops.The photographs are of course of the actual unit I havefor sale.The original sales brochure is shown here in the images.This is the preamplifier of all preamplifiers. Even the mono switch sums instead ofparalleling the audio so that all vertical modulation is removed from therecord source resulting in a huge difference in noise floor, I know of nocurrent preamplifier that actually does this.There are countless inputs and outputs, more that you willever need. And no less that 3 tapeloops and switching to records from any source of from any of the 3 tapes toany of the other tapes. The controlsare almost bewildering.And 3 (three) phono inputs, does life get any better !Needless to say this preamplifier will take both movingmagnet and moving coil cartridges with ravishingly low noise floors. I could go for ever about this preamplifierbut you have or are about to research the net and it can do the talking. So thats it, you are welcome to come and see them, andhear them working. We ship internallyand for export by tracked and insured Fed Ex, its expensive and works, pleasedont ask us for a cheaper courier.
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Category: Sound and Vision:Home Audio and HiFi Separates:Amplifiers and Pre-Amps
Location: Dartmouth, Devon